Oh that fizzing anode!
Some issues on A B Sea have been easy to diagnose and quick to fix. Others have lingered for weeks and caused Baz many sleepless nights. The fizzing prop shaft anode is one such problem that we had to live with for weeks while we dashed across from Greece to Turkey and then down to Kaş.

Initially with no alternative, we simply replaced the quickly shrinking first anode with a spare (both of which we’d brought with us from Spain where we purchased A B Sea). Then Baz replaced the second fizzing anode with a new one from a chandlers in Samos, Greece and that didn’t fizz. In between us noticing the issue and attaching the current non-fizzing anode which seems to be doing its job correctly, Baz has done several things to fix the problem. He’s itemised these nicely in his blog, so if you’re interested in the fine details, here’s the link.
The Victron Energy Blue Smart Charger
Baz also installed a smart charger to the bow thruster battery which means we don’t have to worry about that running out of power and being unable to manoeuvre using the bow thruster just when we need the extra assistance. I was able to help Baz initially, by pulling the cabling from the forward sail locker, where the battery is housed, through to the saloon. This turned out to be surprisingly easy as Baz found a mousing line sticking out of the end of a piece of conduit under one of the shelves in the locker.
Not long after that, he’d attached the charger and we can now rest assured the bow thruster will have power when required.
Exaggerated news
Most of us realise that the media sells news by sensationalising it. Recently the media kept many people hooked into a situation where Turkey investigated the potential for gas and oil in a disputed area in the Mediterranean Sea south west of Kaş where we’re now based. To read the news you’d think war was imminent, but really apart from a few helicopters buzzing over the marina one morning, life in Kaş remained the same as always, but with the addition of face masks for the other current global issue.
To further alleviate the concern of family and friends - the “large warship” that the news said had just been moved into Kaş marina because of this situation – is incorrect on a couple of points: (1) it’s not a large war ship and (2) it’s always lived here; it was here when we stayed in Kaş a year and a half ago.
It really annoys me that the media purposefully uses fear-inducing wording and inaccuracies to gain more viewers/readers. If I say any more at this point, I’ll probably come across as a conspiracy theorist, so I’ll stop here!
A meal and a plan
Thanks to Henrik Thystrop, Baz and I were able to dine at one of the good restaurants – Alp’s Wine House - in the marina complex here at Setur Marina in Kaş. Not only were we there to try the highly recommended fish and chips (which were incredibly well cooked and presented), but we also convened an A B Sea board meeting to discuss our medium term plans while we’re based here.
Because our twelve month Setur contract allows us 30 days in each of the other nine Turkish Setur marinas up and down the coast between Istanbul and Antalya, Baz and I intend to make the most of this opportunity and explore many of the delightful anchorages in between the two destinations during this and next year’s sailing seasons.
We have also created three new Patreon tiers which will allow patrons to come aboard and spend time with us (picking our brains and experiencing life aboard A B Sea) as the ‘patron rewards’ for those tiers. We’re very excited about this opportunity and if you’re curious, then do head on over to www.Patreon.com/SailingABSea and find out more.
Actually as I write this, we have our first patron, Michel, aboard and he’s just finished power cleaning the decks, because we picked up a lot of mud on the anchor when we anchored in a couple of stunning Kekova anchorages over the last few nights, and the bow and anchor locker were filthy! (Thanks to our friend Kev for lending us his power cleaner).
We’ve had a wonderful week with Michel and will be sad to see him leave tomorrow – that week sure went quickly!
Anyway, I’d better get this blog uploaded so we can make the most of the wind that’s starting to blow and have a sail!
If you’d like to see the video that accompanies this blog, just click here.
Until next week, I wish you a very pleasant week, taking action to bring your dreams to life.