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Aannsha’s Blog #195 –Kocabahçe to Kuruca Bükü and Datça

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

Barry and I enjoyed a nice night at Kocabahçe tied to a mooring buoy provided by Sailor’s Paradise, the nearby restaurant. We’d used their mooring ball because their restaurant jetty was full when we arrived. However we did eat there and the food was good, with many of the veggies coming from their kitchen garden behind the restaurant. Kev had arrived earlier than we had and was already tied to the jetty and we shared a table with him at dinner.

The next morning after a shower at the restaurant facilities, we headed off for a short two-hour journey to Kuruca Bükü which was a little further north on the Datça peninsula. Kuruca Bükü is the eastern of two large bays separated by a spit of sand. On Google earth it looked as if there was a small town sprawling mainly along the western bay and we were looking forward to topping up our provisions.

When we arrived at the eastern bay to anchor, the area Baz had chosen for its shallow depth (4 to 6 metres) on the chart, actually turned out to be 20 metres deep according to our depth sounder. So, seeing a yacht upping anchor towards the eastern shore, we headed on over there. It turned out to be a great spot and only 5 metres in depth. We anchored in sand just in front of a patch of weed, perfect.

Once we’d settled in we took the dinghy and went to explore the ‘village' and find a Migros supermarket. According to Google there were two, so we thought we’d check them both out.

It’s not a village!

The first thing that amazed us when we walked across the sand spit from one bay to the other was how windy the western bay was compared to where A B Sea was anchored. There were wind surfers taking advantage of the strong breeze, scooting across the bay on their boards, with their sails angled to the wind.

Following Google’s map, we found the first Migros easily but as it was fairly small we thought we’d check out the other one. Taking the roads through the ‘village’ we realised it was actually a large holiday site containing areas for tents and RVs and also had many streets containing villas, studios and holiday units. We were very impressed with the layout. Just before we reached a large bazaar area, Google brought me to where the second Migros was located. Except it was a bush. Oh well, we’d had a good walk!

Taking the sea road we headed on back to where the original Migros was and took the time to appreciate the building and garden designs of this holiday complex.

Onwards to Datça

After two nights at Kuruca Bükü we upped anchor and headed west towards Datça where we found a great spot to anchor in the south bay.

We enjoyed exploring the pretty, colourful town the following day, eager to see what it looked like now it was summer season with all the lockdowns lifted. We weren’t disappointed and you can explore Datça with us in this week’s YouTube video which you can watch if you click here.

Join us next week as we continue our journey north to Bodrum.

Until next week, I wish you health, wealth and courage, as you take the actions to bring your dreams to life.


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