It may surprise you to know that there are certain advantages I’ve gained as a result of being slightly incapacitated. The central theme that these benefits seems to come under could be quite simply called kindness. But before I carry on, please accept my apologies for this being the third blog about my broken wrist. It’s remarkable how a relatively small thing in the overall scheme of things can be so all-encompassing. As I said last week, it’s important to be grateful for what we have and this is a continuation of that line of thinking.
The major obvious benefit came in Ios Island, Greece when we arrived in the harbour chased by 25-30 knot winds and had to moor stern to. Okay, the wind in the harbour was more like 15 knots, but there was wake from regular ferries and Baz and I circled around the bay watching our friends trying to get their anchor to grab and then reverse to the dock. After watching Mira II and a couple of other yachts make several attempts in the choppy harbour water, Baz decided that it would be better for us to anchor in the bay. I simply wouldn’t be able to hold onto the boat for security and also throw stern lines to shore with only one hand. It was windy in the bay, but the waves weren’t that large and we have an exceptional anchor.
However, when we tried to anchor a little silver car with flashing blue lights on top screamed down the beach road and parked on the shore closest to our position. It was the Port Authority and after letting off a loud claxon at us they waved to us not to anchor in that position. We were feeling a bit desperate and looking for another anchor spot out of the way of the large ferries when Mike (who was now docked) called us on the radio. He’d talked to the Port Authority fellow and told him about my broken wrist. Because it was seen as an ‘emergency’ we were allowed to tie side to the dock. I can’t express the relief Baz and I felt when the nice Port official with Mike and everyone from Phil’s yacht helped us secure ourselves to the dock.
We slept well that night. You can read all about stern to mooring escapades in Barry’s blog this week.
But kindness comes in many forms:
Elaine cooked for me while she was on our yacht;
Linda has diligently reminded me to “REST your arm so it heals properly!”;
Phil and Mike carefully assist me to climb from one yacht to the other when we’re rafted together and we want to go ashore (our tender is on the davits at the back of the boat till my arm heals or we can rig a line to a winch);
And Baz, well he’d tell you that he’s ensuring that A B Sea’s crew is fully operational as soon as possible, and I know that is a huge part of his reasoning - but deep down, I know that when he tells me not to put the fenders out, or to sit down and rest, or when he comes into the shower room to wash my hair and my left armpit, or when he zips up my jacket (again and again) – it is because he cares and is being kind!
The hardest part of all of this has been twofold:
Accepting all of this thoughtfulness, (as I said last week). I have had to let go of the need to feel helpful and useful; and
Letting go of pigheaded stubbornness and letting Baz in his position as Captain, give me direct orders. Knowing they are for my arm’s benefit and also my wellbeing and the safety of our yacht, has assisted me in gracefully taking direction. My friends will know that hasn’t come easily!But I can see (shh don’t tell Baz) that this broken wrist has facilitated a subtle shift that this is making for a better working relationship between us.
So as broken wrists go, this one has not just been a curse, it’s also brought blessings.