I’m writing this halfway through January 2021 and Christmas 2020 seems like a distant memory. However, there are a few highlights that stand out and they are:
Christmas Eve on Kev’s boat
A few yachts had made plans to sail out to Limanağzı bay and we’d arranged to meet up with Kev on Barbara Ann and Jim on Acheron. However, as A B Sea was out of action again, (more about that in an upcoming blog/YouTube video) Kev invited us onto his boat for the day. That was great because we got to experience sailing on a Bavaria and Kev got crew!
The weather was sunny and the wind was calm so Kev decided to catch a mooring ball instead of anchoring. As Baz was crewing instead of skippering, he had the fun task of picking up the mooring ball line with the boat hook and tied it off via the fairlead on the starboard forward cleat. It was a smooth manoeuvre as Kev slowed really well and Baz captured the buoy first time.
Shortly afterwards, Jens and Arzum with their little dog Çingene sailed slowly past on Dilly Dally, calling “Merry Christmas”, as they headed to a different part of the bay to anchor. They were all dressed for Christmas, including Çingene who wore a sparkly collar and little Christmas hat!

We were just getting out some of our nibblies when Jim arrived with his guests and he rafted Acheron to Barbara Ann. Everyone came aboard Barbara Ann and we had a shared lunch. I love that. Everyone brought something and it made for a tasty combination of food, and ensured there was also shared preparation, making it easier for everyone.
Jim takes the Jim & Tonic Test
At one point, Jim decided to try and step across from his boat to Kev’s, while carrying two cut glasses filled with gin and tonic. I didn’t see it on the day because I was down below prepping some of the food, but Baz captured it on film. When I was editing and came across the footage I had to laugh, it was so funny watching Jim trying to navigate the side rails of both boats which were gently moving up and down, all without the use of hands which were carrying the drinks! I decided to enhance the clip with music and it must have taken me about half an hour of searching before I found just the right music. I put it under the clip and watched it again. OMG I belly laughed. So did Baz. You’ll love it when you see the video!

After we’d eaten, Jim and Dave, one of our new Aussie friends, decided to go for a swim off the back of Acheron. Nutcases. Both said the water was fine, although Jim did admit that he couldn’t feel his legs after a while although I assured him that I could see them because the water was so clear!
After a great day out with friends, we all packed up and returned to the marina, with some of Jim’s friends deciding to return with us on Kev’s boat. On the way home, we got some lovely footage of Jim on Acheron with both sails out, and the setting sun behind him.
Saying goodbye to Kev for a fabulous day – and you must check out Kev swinging back into Barbara Ann and landing perfectly in front of the wheel – we were met by the beautiful pontoon dog Pupi. I love that dog.

What a great day, thanks Kev.
When we got back to A B Sea, I metaphorically put my cook’s hat on and made some stuffing balls for the following day when we‘d be having Christmas lunch at new friend Claire’s apartment in Kaş. She and our friend Elaine had spent days preparing a full traditional Christmas feast with turkey and all of the trimmings. I was happy to be able to bring something to contribute.
Christmas Day at Claire’s
After an all too short phone conversation with our son Luke – I really felt the distance between Turkey and Australia that morning - Jim and Mike kindly took Baz and me on the back of their scooters up the very steep hill to Claire’s apartment.
It was a wonderful setting for lunch with lovely table decorations, the smell of cooking turkey wafting through the apartment, and a fabulous view of Kaş bay as we sipped our pre-dinner drinks on the balcony. The conversation was animated – very boisterous at some points lol – and the food was delicious, and after a lively day with old and new friends, we made our way back to A B Sea. Many thanks to Claire for generously allowing us to spend the day at her home. And huge thanks to Claire and Elaine for creating such a tasty lunch: homemade pumpkin soup, turkey lunch, followed by black forest gateau and cheesecake. Perfect.
Other Christmas treats
Our friends Heinz and Heidi sent us a box with various different packs of Swiss chocolates and some delicious traditional cinnamon spice/orange biscuits. They were delicious and didn’t last very long!!
Baz treated himself to a haircut and shave at Turkish barber Oktay’s. You may remember that Baz went there for the full Monty last time we were in Turkey and I think he was glad the weather was too cold for me to cut his hair outside, as an excuse to have Oktay pamper him again!
Storm preparation
We also took some time to swap out our lightweight stern lines for our chafe protected, compression spring lines as the weather forecast predicted heavy winds gusting up to 43 knots. The wind wasn’t as bad as expected but we did get an electrical storm that brought with it rain and hailstones. However, as winter does have more increased likelihood of high winds, we were glad to have put the spring lines in place. Those, along with the chafe protected midship lines (and the strong slime line at the bow), are holding A B Sea securely in position on the pontoon.
To watch the YouTube video that accompanies this blog, just click here.
Until next week, I wish you health and happiness, as you take the actions that bring your dreams to life.
