We met Michel and his wife Canan (her Turkish name is pronounced Jan-ann) when we were staying in Turkey’s Kaş town harbour over the winter of 2918/19. They had been watching our YouTube videos because their retirement dream includes moving to Kaş and buying a yacht. When Michel saw A B Sea in the harbour he came and said hello. We met up later and also the following evening at Smiley’s Restaurant and all got on extremely well. When they left to return to their current home in Germany, we all decided that we’d definitely meet again when the time was right as we’d instantly clicked and knew they’d be lifelong friends.
Michel comes on board
Fast forward to this year. We’re based in Kaş marina and Michel had a week’s holiday due to him from the global cargo delivery airline that he flies planes for as a captain. We’d just announced to our patrons that we were looking at inviting them on board if they would like to experience time with us on A B Sea. Our friend Michel jumped at the opportunity and became our first patron guest!

We had a wonderful week together and took A B Sea down to Kekova Roads which is about three hours’ sail or motor away (depending on the intermittent wind at the time). We didn’t have a lot of wind when we headed out so Baz took this as a good chance to test our engine after he and mechanical wiz Aydin removed the broken turbo from it a couple of weeks earlier.
How did the newly ex-turbo engine run?
The journey was enjoyable and we got the best result from the engine that we could expect. No smoke up to 2000 rpm, and just a tad of black smoke at 2,400 revs. Black smoke is an indication that there’s too much fuel being injected by the nozzles (which are set to the turbo’s specification) and the smoke is unburned fuel. At 2000 revs we got a healthy 6.7 knots out of A B Sea, so we are very happy that everything in the engine is working well.
The first anchorage behind Kekova Island was at Sıçak Koyu and while we were there Michel introduced himself (which you can see in this week’s video). As there was hardly any wind the first day we couldn’t go sailing, so we asked Michel if he’d like to practise (as a new sailor) raising and lowering the anchor and also helming while I worked at the anchor. He was very agreeable to that and in next week’s video you can watch this and see the other anchorages we visited while we were there.

Baz’s haul from Marmaris
You may remember that last week Baz went to Marmaris with Kev in a hire car. I stayed back on the boat as I was editing, so that meant the boys could shop till they dropped in the chandlers there. This week, Baz does a show and tell of his haul of boat goodies, including prices.
If you’d like to see the video that accompanies this blog, just click here.
Until next week, I wish you a very pleasant week, taking action to bring your dreams to life.
